Adding a New Client

Adding a New Client

Adding a New Client

To add a new client, click ADD NEW CLIENT 
button in the lower left of the Dashboard page, below the client list.

Client Details

Clicking on the ADD NEW CLIENT button will take you through to the ADD CLIENT screen.  

 Ensure the Display Name, Adviser, Client Type, Model Type, First and Surname, Gender and Date of Birth Fields are entered.

Once completed, click ADD in the lower right hand corner.   The full CLIENT DETAILS screen will appear.  


·             Display Name
The suggested format for the entry of the client name is:

            "Client Surname: Member 1 First Name and Member 2 (Partner) First Name"

Should your client be a couple using different names, then we suggest the following format:

            "Client 1 Surname: Member 1 First Name" and "Client 2 Surname: Member 2 First Name"
         Note:  he order in which you enter the client's name details determines the placement of the name in your alphabetical Client List.

·           Adviser

This is the Adviser currently assigned to look after the client.  
The active Advisers in  your office will appear as names in the drop-down menu.

·             Client Type

There are three different types of client on the Client List:  Prospects, Fee Only clients, and Clients.
  • Prospects - clients that have not yet commenced Monthly Cash Flow Monitoring.
  • Clients - clients that have commenced Monthly Cash Flow Monitoring.
  • Fee Only - clients for whom you are using the Prospera DDR system to manage ongoing fee payments.
Clients who have been IMPLEMENTED on the Prospera Cash Flow Management system (i.e. their status in the Client List shows as "Client"), will require you to enter in their monthly actual balances.

·             Model Type
There are two different types of models you can create for new clients, 'Standard' and 'Recycle My Debt'.
           Standard - clients of all types.

Recycle My Debt specifically models an automatic debt recycling strategy (assisting clients to reduce private home loan debt, minimise tax, and generate future wealth).   These clients must have the following specific characteristics:

                    ·        'salary' income (with associated superannuation guarantee contributions)

                    ·        home owner (currently building equity) 

                    ·        no existing investment assets

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