Assets Webinar

Assets Webinar

    • Related Articles

    • Assets Overview

      The Assets section allows you to record client assets including property, managed funds, shares and business interests. The Assets section is made up of a single panel where all existing assets within this scenario are recorded.  A CREATE NEW ASSETS ...
    • Investment Assets - Adding New or Existing Investment Assets

      To add a new Investment Asset, click the CREATE NEW ASSETS button. The ADD ASSET page will then be displayed.  Select the type of Managed Funds / Shares (or other investment asset) from the dropdown menu. Note: The difference between Australian ...
    • Step 4 - Enter ASSETS data from Client Fact Find

      ASSETS 1.      Click on ASSETS from the left-hand menu to take you to the Assets screen. This screen displays the relevant Assets for a Recycle My Debt client.   This Private Home Asset has been created for you. 2.      Click on the 'Private Home' ...
    • Navigation Webinar

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