CPI Fee Increase (Annually) - How to Turn Fee Increase On or Off

CPI Fee Increase (Annually) - How to Turn Fee Increase On or Off

The Prospera system automatically increases your clients' fees for amounts drawn from their bank accounts using the DDR system in July each year.    Whether or not your client fees are increased is controlled by each individual practice.

For each client, you can set the "Increase by CPI" flat on the Current Billing Record, as follows:

If you are billing the client using the DDR, the menu on the left will include BILLING selection.

Select BILLING, and the screen will show the Billing Records for the client (outlined in purple):

In this Billing Record, the GROW BY CPI field is set to "Y", which means that the fee amount will be increased by CPI in the July DDR run.  

To change this so that the fees are not increased by CPI in July, click on the Billing Record (as indicated above), which will open the record for editing, as shown below. 

The yellow arrow (in the above diagram) shows the GROW BY CPI field is set to Yes.    

To change this, click on the drop down list, and change it to "No".  

You can do this at any time.  It will only take effect in July.

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