Results and Reports, and Stress Test Results

Results and Reports, and Stress Test Results

The Results and Reports screen shows you the same Scenario Results available on the Results screen, but also allows you to download a number of different reports specific to the Scenario you are working in.   The reports available are detailed below.

Prospera allows you to run a stress test of your scenario.  The Stress Test Result includes an increase of 3% to the interest rate of all borrowings.  The Stress Test Result reports are available by selecting "Stress Test Results" from the left-hand menu.  More information on the Stress Test is at the bottom of this Article.

1.          Scenario Summary
This report is a record of the Fact Find data that has been entered in relation to a particular scenario. 
It also includes all assumptions included in the scenario, such as interest, growth and yield rates used in the model projections, in relation to Accounts, Assets (private and investment), Superannuation and Pension Investments, Income and Expenditure.
This report also contains the pre-set assumptions used, such as inflation, AWOTE and Corporate Tax Rates, Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC), Centrelink values, and Minimum Pension Drawdown requirements.

2.         Scenario Results
            This report is the very detailed Cash Flow and Net Position Report. 
            It reports a detailed breakdown the following areas for each year of the model:     
                   *     how tax has been calculated, along with potential tax return or liability;
                  *      how surplus cashflow has been calculated;
                  *      the start, end, and relevant transactions, within each Bank Account and Asset;
                  *      the start, end and relevant transactions, within each Superannuation and Pension Account.

3.         Scenario Overview
This report is a two-page consolidated snapshot of the Scenario Results, over the duration of the model. 
It shows consolidated figures for income, expenses, accounts, asset and super values. 
This report shows the overall result for each area, every year for the first five years, and thereafter at approximately five year intervals.

4.         Banking Flow Chart
            This report contains a diagram of how the surplus cashflow is being directed throughout the life of the plan.

5.         Compliance Guidelines
Prospera have a number of compliance rules pre-set within the system. 
If the pre-set guidelines are breached within your Scenario, you will be advised of the breach within the Analyser Alerts on the Results pages. 
The Compliance Guidelines Report details each of the rules and shows whether they are "Within Guidelines" or "Outside" of the pre-set guidelines in the relevant Scenario.
Some of the compliance areas covered in this report are: Excess Super Contributions Tax, Gearing Rules, and the ability to meet interest costs.

6.         Download Results in Excel Format
You can also download the results in Excel format, if required. 
This report contains detail in relation to Cashflow, Assets, and some Efficiency data, such as Total Interest Paid in each year, and the Cumulative Interest on both Private and Investment Loans, along with the Cumulative Surplus.

Stress Test Results

Prospera allows you to run a stress test of your scenario.  The Stress Test Result includes an increase of 3% to the interest rate of all borrowings.  The Stress Test Result reports are available by selecting "Stress Test Results" from the left-hand menu.

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