FAQ 1 How do I clone a Scenario?

FAQ 1 How do I clone a Scenario?

Cloning Scenarios

1.      Choose your client from the DASHBOARD CLIENT LIST.

2.      In the top right corner the Scenario Menu displays the name of the current scenario.

3.      Click on the +  in the Scenario Menu to expand the scenario list.

4.      At the bottom of the scenario list is Manage Scenarios.  Click on this link to access a list of all existing scenarios.

5.      From the MANAGE SCENARIOS screen, click on the Clone icon  Clone  beside the scenario you wish to clone.

6.      Answer OK in the pop-up dialog box.

7.      The cloned scenario now appears as a new row, called "copy of" your previous scenario name.

8.      Click on the scenario name and you can change the scenario name to a new name.

9.      You will now be able to work on the new scenario.  

10.    To check which scenario you are working in, look at your Scenario window as it will display the name of the active scenario.  

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