The 'Recycle My Debt" Modelling Option:
* Restructures the client's bank accounts to a more streamlinedaccount structure, consolidating all private debt into a Line of Credit loan facility(Private Line of Credit / PLOC) (reducing interest costs on personal and credit card debt)* Redirects cash flow so that all cash flow is used in the most effectiveand efficient manner to assist with debt reduction and wealth creation* Uses equity in the home to invest, by incorporating the placing of an initialinvestment into an investment portfolio (managed fund / share investments),purchased using borrowed funds from a separate Line of Credit facility, established forinvestment purposes only (known as an Investment Line of Credit / ILOC).* The amount of the investment is calculated using the following criteria:After placing the initial investment, all debt (both private and investment)will not exceed the lesser of the following:* 66% of the value of the client's home, OR* the maximum borrowing limit (Global Credit Limit) as set by youSUBJECT ALWAYS to a buffer of approximately one year of total interestpayments being maintained within the loan facilities(up to the modelled Global Credit Limit).* Incorporates the placement of additional regular monthly investments,equivalent to the surplus cash flow, purchased using borrowed funds from the ILOC,throughout the investment time period (typically investing regularly up to five yearsprior to retirement, (as set by the Adviser))* Uses dividend income from investments to assist private debt reduction(or dividends can be reinvested, if set by the Adviser)* Uses any additional tax returns received (due to the tax deductibility of interestpaid on the ILOC, and Adviser Fees) to reduce private debt, thus reducing interest onnon tax deductible debt.