

Dashboard Navigation

When you log in to Prospera the Dashboard page is displayed. The Dashboard page is broken down into several key elements:
  1. Client List - In the centre of the screen you'll find a list of your Prospects and Clients.  Clicking on a row will open the client file.
  2. Search for a client - Above the Client List, you can type the name of a client you would like to search for.
  3. Add New Client - At the very bottom of the screen is an ADD NEW CLIENT button. Clicking this will take you through the data entry process.
  4. System Messages - Listed down the right hand side is a list of system messages as they relate to your client base.

Client File Navigation

Upon clicking on a client name the client file is displayed. Navigation within the client file is broken down by the:

  • Modelling Menu - Clicking on a module in the Modelling Menu will display data entry screen for that section.
  • Scenario Menu - Clicking the dropdown will display a list of scenarios saved under this client. You also clone scenarios and manage scenarios here.
  • Client Model Details - Clicking on the full client name will display the Client Details Screen, such as Model Start and Model End Dates.
  • Individual Client Fact Find - Clicking on the individual client (i.e. "Fred" below) will open the individual client fact find screen. This is where you enter the individual's birth date and other relevant information.

System Messages

To the right of the client list, on the Dashboard screen, there are some System Messages which provide you with important information about the management of your clients.

Clicking on a specific message will take you to the list of clients affected by that System Message.

A System Message will remain visible until it has been actioned.

The list of System Messages for your business is up to date when you log in.  The list does not automatically update as you address any particular message.  To refresh the System Messages after you have actioned any item within the List, click the blue REFRESH button directly below the list.

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