4 - How to Change Investment Returns, Franking Rates, and/or Dividend Reinvestment Instructions

4 - How to Change Investment Returns, Franking Rates, and/or Dividend Reinvestment Instructions

To change the projected  Investment Returns, Franking Credit rates, and/or Dividend Reinvestment Instructions for the modelling of an investment:

1.      Go to the ASSETS screen (via the left-hand menu)


2.       Select the “RMD DCA Asset” (Recycle My Debt Dollar Cost Averaged Asset) (as indicated below)

      When you click on the RMD DCA Asset, the ASSET DETAILS screen will open (as indicated below).

3.      Select the field you wish to alter (as indicated by the arrows in the above screenshot).

         Click UPDATE to save your changes.

                  The available dividend reinvestment options to select from are:

                  A      Never  -  Never reinvest dividends, always pay out dividends

                  B      Always  -  Reinvest dividends at all times

                  C      Reinvest when Private Debt = Zero
                              Pay out dividends when there is private debt, and always reinvest dividends when there is no private debt
                              (even in retirement)

                  D       Reinvest when Private Debt = 0, Cease at Retirement
                              Pay out dividends when there is private debt, reinvest dividends whenever there is no private debt,
                              but cease reinvesting dividends  in retirement.

Link to Next Topic  -  How to Add an Upfront Investment

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