Results and Reports

Results and Reports

Accessing Results and Reports can be done in a number of ways, depending on what information you wish to analyse.  

Single Scenario Results and Reports can be accessed in the following ways: 

1.       Via the RESULTS & REPORTS tab

The RESULTS & REPORTS screen has been designed to provide you with a snapshot of results of the scenario you are working in, along with access to a number of reports in relation to the scenario.            

When you click on RESULTS & REPORTS  from the left-hand menu, you will see a snapshot of results at the following time periods, as indicated by the green arrow:

                        *      Five years from the Model Start Date
                        *      Ten years from the Model Start Date 
              and    *      At Retirement.

This screen also gives you the ability to download a number of reports in relation to the scenario you are working on (as indicated by the purple arrow), along with the Analyser Alerts and Analyser Warnings (as indicated by the red arrows).

In the screenshot above, the large green arrow indicates the Snapshot of results for this Scenario at five years, ten years, and at retirement.

The Analyser Alerts  (as indicated by the red arrows) indicate there is a cash flow shortfall in April 2017, as the Working Account cannot go into debt.

There is also an Analyser Warning indicating Excess Concessional Super Contributions are being made in a number of years.   

You may decide to modify the model in order to rectify the alerts and warnings.

            The Reports available for download from this page are:

          1.    Scenario Summary  - details all of the data entry that the system has used to create the scenario.

          2.    Scenario Results  -  
Cash Flow and Net Position Report - details how income and tax have been calculated, transactions within all accounts, asset and superannuation contributions and growth.
3.      Scenario Overview  -
A 2-page overview of the private, investment & super account and asset positions for each year for the first five years, followed by each five years (approx) until retirement.
          4.      Banking Flowchart  -  Diagram of the flow of funds between accounts 

          5.      Compliance Guidelines -  
A report detailing areas of Compliance that have been complied with, and any areas where the compliance guidelines have not been complied with.  
          6.      Download Results in Excel Format  
            These Reports are very useful when analysing your model outcomes, and may also be provided to clients, if you wish.

2.      Via the STRESS TEST RESULTS tab

The STRESS TEST RESULTS tab runs a Stress Test on the Scenario, which models the effect of a 3% rise in loan interest rates over the life of the plan.  

The Reports available on this page are the same as those available via the RESULTS & REPORTS page, with the inclusion of the effect of the 3% increase in the loan interest rate.

Comparison Scenario Reports can be accessed via the COMPARISON REPORTS tab. 

The COMPARISON REPORTS tab allows you to compare results between scenarios.  

The Reports available on this screen are:

1.      Prospera Report  -  
An illustration of the Potential Outcomes achievable if recommendations are implemented (the Benefits of your Advice) by comparing two scenarios.
The Scenario Overview Report forms part of this Report.  
 2.      Strategy Comparison Report  -  
Compares the result of up to four scenarios in the snapshot format, at 5 years from Model Start Date, 10 years from Model Start Date, and at Retirement.
 3.      Credit Report  -  
 A report which can be used in the loan application process, as to affordability of the modelled strategy.

Link to Next Article - How to Modify the Cash Buffer in an RMD Model                  

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