Upfront and Ongoing Fees - Add New Fees
Client Fees
The fees section is where upfront and ongoing professional fees are modeled into the client's scenario. The fees section also directly links to the Prospera Direct Debit Request facility assisting in the collection of client fees.
The Fees section is made up of a single panel where both upfront and ongoing fees are displayed.
There are two CREATE NEW FEE buttons displayed under this panel enabling the creation of new fee records.
Adding a New Fee
To add a new fee click on either the CREATE NEW UPFRONT FEE or CREATE NEW ONGOING FEE button across the bottom of the panel (as shown above).
Ensure all fields are completed on this FEE DETAILS page.
Once complete click the blue UPDATE button at the bottom to save the fee.
To Increase or Decrease Fees in your model, click on the fee you wish to modify, make the necessary changes, and click UPDATE.
You can come back to this record to confirm the changes have been made.
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