Step 9 - Review RESULTS

Step 9 - Review RESULTS

Once you have completed the data entry for your client, you can now review the Results for the client, based on their current financial situation and structure.

To do this, click on RESULTS from the left-hand menu.  

On this RESULTS screen, you will see a quick snapshot of the client's financial position at the following three points:

            *      In five years time
            *      In 10 years time
            *      At retirement.

You may also see some Analyser Alerts (in the centre of the screen), which alert you to any cash flow funding problems with the client's current situation.  

You don't necessarily need to do anything as a result of seeing an Analyser Alert on this screen, if you are happy that you have entered the data correctly, as this is the client's current situation, and they may currently  have cash flow problems.

Link to Next Article -  Create Recycle My Debt Scenario

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